Can You Still Get an Abortion In Indiana?

Elective abortion access in Indiana is changing due to new legislation taking effect on September 15, 2022. If you think you may be pregnant but do not want to be, here is what you need to know.   What is Indiana Abortion Law? Before September 15, 2022 Currently, Indiana law permits elective abortion up to 20

What Are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill?

According to the FDA, the abortion pill may cause serious side effects. Before having a medication abortion, it’s important to understand all the possible side effects, confirm how long you have been pregnant, and know if you have any conditions that may interfere with the abortion pill. What Is the Abortion Pill?  The abortion pill

What Are The Risks Of Ordering The Abortion Pill Online?

Virtually anything can be ordered online these days. From groceries to over-the-counter medicines, ordering online can alleviate some of the stressfulness shopping in person creates.   But is it safe to order things like the abortion pill online? Below are some things to consider. Effectiveness May Vary Online markets can make the abortion pill seem as

What Are The Risks Of The Abortion Pill?

Did you know that following the 2020 coronavirus pandemic more than half of all abortions in the U.S. were performed using the abortion pill? The rise is linked closely to the increase in telehealth and virtual doctor visits. But is the abortion pill safe? As with any kind of medication, complications are possible. It’s important

What Is The Difference Between The Abortion Pill And Plan B?

Have you ever wondered if Plan B and the abortion pill are the same? It’s a common point of confusion for many. The abortion pill and Plan B are actually two unique medications, and both result in differing outcomes.    Are you unexpectedly pregnant and considering termination?    Or did your partner’s condom break during

3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

Finding out you’re pregnant can be a confusing and scary time if it is something you hadn’t planned on. Knowing the facts and options available can empower you to make the best decision for your health and financial situation.  Here’s what you need to know before you consider an abortion.  Get a Positive Pregnancy Test 

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Wow, what a life-changing question, “Is abortion or adoption right for me?” Both options require a lot of thought and understanding.  At A Hope Center, we give you more details about both abortion and adoption. But, only you know which choice is right for you and your future. Before You Choose Before you begin researching

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Are you considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy? If so, you need to realize abortion is a serious medical decision.  It’s important to learn the side effects and risks associated with both medical and surgical abortion. You need to recognize the signs of an incomplete abortion if it should happen. The Types Of Abortion There

What are the Different Types of Abortion?

Despite what you’ve heard, abortion procedures do come with side effects and serious potential risks. The National Institute of Health writes that women considering abortion have a “desire for information on all possible complications, including rare risks.” The team at A Hope Center believes you deserve the information you’re looking for.  Before An Abortion Have