When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Wondering about an unexpected pregnancy can bring about a wave of emotions and uncertainty. If you’re asking yourself, “Should I take a pregnancy test?” you’re not alone. Understanding the right timing for a test is one of the first steps in finding clarity. Most at-home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate if taken on

What Is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

If you’re reading this, you might be wondering if you’re pregnant and considering your testing options. It’s completely normal to feel a mix of emotions, from stress to anxiety, as you navigate an unexpected pregnancy.  One of the first steps in confirming a pregnancy is choosing the right test, and it can be confusing to

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

The moment you decide to take a pregnancy test can be filled with a mix of emotions. The “what ifs” swirling in your mind and the life-changing potential of the results can make this a particularly anxious thing to do.  Acknowledging these feelings and approaching the process with patience and care is essential.  We’ll explain

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

There’s always a chance you could get pregnant if you’re sexually active.  If your period hasn’t arrived yet, you’re probably wondering about the best time to take a test. There’s no “wrong” time to take a pregnancy test; just know that taking one too early or incorrectly could give you a false result, and you’ll

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Emotionally?

Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life. Her body produces new and existing hormones at different levels to support the growing pregnancy. However, these hormones can also impact how she feels at different times during pregnancy. While every woman’s pregnancy will differ, here’s an overview of what can happen. Early in Pregnancy (Week